SAVEM’s Role
SAVEM is a Tier 2 Response and Recovery agency, deploying into all hazards emergencies in South Australia. Our Mission is to assess, rescue, triage, treat, shelter and return to owners, habitat or suitable long-term care, animals of all species.
In response to an Emergency incident where SAVEM’s veterinary expertise is required, SAVEM is Activated by Primary Industries and Regions South Australia (PIRSA). PIRSA leads the Agriculture and Animal Services Functional Support Group in the South Australian State Emergency Management Plan (the SEMP). After briefings and clearance by the Control Agency (the SA Country Fire Service for bushfire) SAVEM is deployed into the incident ground according to the terms and conditions required by the Control Agency. We collaborate with other similarly accredited agencies, such as the RSPCA, to respond to animal welfare issues in-field, and on request will support and assist PIRSA’s veterinary officers in incidents involving livestock.
Click here to see SAVEM’s COVID Policy.
Latest News
The need to train – ABC RN “I was actually there” podcast
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Donations from Wildlife and Welfare
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Winter training for veterinarians and veterinary nurses
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